
Join a UPEA Standing Committee

Joining a standing committee is a great option for members looking to take an active role in UPEA. These committees provide direct input and recommendations from the general membership to the Advisory Council and State Board.

Join Now

UPEA encourages members from all districts to become involved in one or more of these committees, share their input, and actively work toward the improvement of public employment. Members who cannot travel to the UPEA headquarters in Murray may participate virtually.

Human Resource and Grievance Representation

Staff Contact: Paige Barnison

Responsible for tracking and providing input regarding rules proposed by the Division of Human Resource Management and other rule-making entities. Reviews the human resource policies for local jurisdictions and the employee grievance process. Determines additional representation requests from UPEA members and provides recommendations to the UPEA Board on grievance appeals.

TEAM (Target, Education, Activism, Membership) and Public Relations

Staff Contact: Jessica Bruner

Creates membership recruitment opportunities and incentives. Develops the annual membership drive and assists with district activities and socials. Manages the public relations program for UPEA by directing the Association’s social media presence, website, and membership communications.

Legislative, Insurance, and Retirement

Staff Contact: Val Marin

Determines UPEA’s legislative priorities by surveying membership on current and existing issues. and Monitors the legislative interim sessions and bills from prior legislative sessions. Oversees and provides input on issues related to the Utah Retirement System (URS) and Public Employees Health Plan (PEHP).

Articles, Bylaws, and Resolutions

Staff Contact: Shaylee McDaniel

Reviews UPEA’s Restated Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws to ensure consistency with state statutes and the Association’s mission statement. Recommends changes to the Board of Directors for consideration. Plans, creates, and drafts UPEA’s Policy and Platform statement based on Resolutions submitted by UPEA’s districts, committees, and membership.


Staff Contact: Blake Townsend

Creates, plans, and produces membership training.

Join a UPEA Standing Committee

Each committee meets about 2-5 times a year, in the evening during the week. Meetings are held at UPEA’s office in Murray (1000 West Bellwood Lane, Murray UT 84123). A light dinner is provided for participants. You can also attend most meetings via conference call. If you live outside of SLCo and travel to the UPEA office to participate you will receive mileage reimbursement.

UPEA Standing Committee Sign-up Form

Members, please complete the following form with your name and email, before selecting the standing committees you’d like to participate in.